Northern America · Population 1900-2100

Northern America · historical and predicted populations (both sexes) for the period 1900-2100 (millions) De facto population in Northern America as of 1 July of the year indicated. Source United Nations Population Division [1], [2].

What was the Northern America population at your birthday?*

Enter your birth date to find out. [1]


Current Northern America population *


Today This year
Population growth Today
Changes every 11.75 sec.
Population growth This year
Births Today
Changes every 5.507 sec.
Births This year
Deaths Today
Changes every 10.364 sec.
Deaths This year

Sources: [1]
Today's statistic since midnight 00:00.
This year, statistic changes since 1st January
Population = Births** - Deaths

Northern America population map

City and population density Northern America map. Smallest red point means city with population of minimum 5000. Red circles are cities with population from 50.000 up to 10+ millions. You can zoom/move the map to see the details.

Northern America Demography

Current Northern America population by age and sex for 2024-07-27*

  Male % Female
0-4 10 561 994 ⇐+5.1% 10 045 904
5-9 11 896 726 ⇐+4.4% 11 391 410
10-14 12 402 655 ⇐+2.9% 12 055 744
15-19 10 859 691 ⇐+1.9% 10 662 401
20-24 12 483 542 ⇐+4.9% 11 902 181
25-29 14 400 924 ⇐+7.5% 13 396 322
30-34 13 776 567 ⇐+4.2% 13 221 911
35-39 12 748 929 ⇐+1.8% 12 520 248
40-44 10 888 193 +0.4%⇒ 10 931 539
45-49 10 540 127 +0.2%⇒ 10 562 933
50-54 10 959 172 ⇐+1.8% 10 770 236
55-59 13 803 104 +1.9%⇒ 14 069 303
60-64 12 706 553 +4.7%⇒ 13 308 011
65-69 10 947 336 +8.6%⇒ 11 888 763
70-74 8 964 731 +13.4%⇒ 10 165 082
75-79 5 220 460 +21.6%⇒ 6 350 626
80-84 3 139 544 +20.1%⇒ 3 771 062
85-89 2 011 821 +38.3%⇒ 2 781 938
90-94 1 170 809 +66.5%⇒ 1 949 094
95-99 246 934 +148.5%⇒ 613 654
100+ 25 679 +261.7%⇒ 92 881

Source: [1]


Population Growth rate (2015)

  • 7353 / day
  • 306.4 / hour
  • 5.11 / minute
  • 0.085 / seconds

Births Growth rate**

  • 15690 / day
  • 653.8 / hour
  • 10.9 / minute
  • 0.181 / seconds

Deaths Growth rate

  • 8337 / day
  • 347.4 / hour
  • 5.79 / minute
  • 0.096 / seconds

Sources, Notices

* Value is calculated with linear interpolation from 2 nearest estimated (date->population) data (unofficial).
** Net migration is included in Births with this calculation: Births = Population[1] + Deaths[1].
[1] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. Data are estimates and projections according to a medium-fertility variant. Reused with the permission of the United Nations. Downloaded: 2015-11-15 (
[2] Population for years before 1950: UN report – 2004 data. Downloaded 2015-11-15. (PDF)