Hungary · Population

On this page you can find past, current and future population statistics for Hungary (from 1950-2100), population map, demographics, live population counter etc. . Question: What is the population of Hungary? Answer: Current population of Hungary is: 9 531 885*[1], area 93030 km², population density 102.46 p/km². Capital of Hungary is Budapest. Continent: Europe.

↓ Population for cities ↓   → Administrative units →

Hungary · Population 1950-2100

Hungary · historical and predicted populations (both sexes) for the period 1950-2100 (millions) De facto population in Hungary as of 1 July of the year indicated. Source United Nations Population Division [1].

What was the Hungary population at your birthday?*

Enter your birth date to find out. [1]


Current Hungary population

9 531 885

Today This year
Population growth Today
Changes every -938.211 sec.
Population growth This year
Births Today
Changes every 322.413 sec.
Births This year
Deaths Today
Changes every 239.954 sec.
Deaths This year

Sources: [1]
Today's statistic since midnight 00:00.
This year, statistic changes since 1st January
Population = Births** - Deaths

Hungary population map

City density [2]population density [3]Legend (Click on marker to hide it)
• Population Growth rate: -92 / day = -3.84 / hour = -0.064 / minute = -0.0011 / seconds
• Births Growth rate**: 268 / day = 11.2 / hour = 0.19 / minute = 0.0032 / seconds
• Deaths Growth rate: 360 / day = 15 / hour = 0.25 / minute = 0.0042 / seconds.

Current Hungary population by age and sex for 2025-02-06*

  Male % Female
0-4 193 908 ⇐+7.8% 179 889
5-9 249 332 ⇐+5.5% 236 227
10-14 258 789 ⇐+4.8% 246 824
15-19 205 925 ⇐+5.7% 194 851
20-24 222 903 ⇐+5.1% 212 120
25-29 311 366 ⇐+3.7% 300 266
30-34 249 317 ⇐+2.2% 244 033
35-39 349 182 ⇐+3.2% 338 199
40-44 500 182 ⇐+3.4% 483 963
45-49 413 358 ⇐+1.1% 408 700
50-54 292 488 ⇐+2.5% 285 493
55-59 187 396 +7.9%⇒ 202 144
60-64 310 854 +22.8%⇒ 381 666
65-69 308 467 +28.7%⇒ 397 127
70-74 197 953 +40%⇒ 277 228
75-79 149 344 +58.5%⇒ 236 686
80-84 73 329 +106.7%⇒ 151 582
85-89 55 686 +103.6%⇒ 113 402
90-94 24 322 +167.2%⇒ 64 983
95-99 5 194 +210.2%⇒ 16 111
100+ 340 +122.4%⇒ 756

Sources: [1]


age of mother

Childrens per woman

Life expectancy at birth

First letter of the City

Filter by starting letters of the city (69 cities):
A (1) | B (5) | C (2) | D (5) | E (3) | F (1) | G (5) | H (4) | J (1) | K (9) | M (5) | N (3) | O (3) | P (3) | S (11) | T (3) | V (4) | Z (1) |

Population for cities or regions in Hungary (69)

This is not full list. Only 50 largest cities in alphabetical order. You can click on start letter of the city ↑ :
Ajka Veszprém
Baja Bács-Kiskun
Békéscsaba Bekes
Budaörs Pest
Budapest Budapest
Cegléd Pest
Debrecen Hajdú-Bihar
Dunakeszi Pest
Dunaújváros Fejér
Eger Heves
Érd Pest
Esztergom Komárom-Esztergom
Gödöllő Pest
Gyöngyös Heves
Győr Győr-Moson-Sopron
Gyula Bekes
Hajdúböszörmény Hajdú-Bihar
Hódmezővásárhely Csongrád
Jászberény Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
Kaposvár Somogy
Kazincbarcika Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
Kecskemét Bács-Kiskun
Kiskunfélegyháza Bács-Kiskun
Kiskunhalas Bács-Kiskun
Komló Baranya
Makó Csongrád
Miskolc Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
Mosonmagyaróvár Győr-Moson-Sopron
Nagykanizsa Zala
Nagykőrös Pest
Nyíregyháza Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Orosháza Bekes
Ózd Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén
Pápa Veszprém
Pécs Baranya
Salgótarján Nógrád
Sopron Győr-Moson-Sopron
Szeged Csongrád
Székesfehérvár Fejér
Szekszárd Tolna
Szentendre Pest
Szentes Csongrád
Szigetszentmiklós Pest
Szolnok Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
Szombathely Vas
Tata Komárom-Esztergom
Tatabánya Komárom-Esztergom
Vác Pest
Veszprém Veszprém
Zalaegerszeg Zala

Sources, Notices

* Value is calculated with linear interpolation from 2 nearest estimated (date->population) data (unofficial).
** Net migration is included in Births with this calculation: Births = Population[1] + Deaths[1].
*** For years before 1950 we dont have population data. Value is approximate calculation using function: 1900 population = 70% of 1950 population.
[1] United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. Data are estimates and projections according to a medium-fertility variant. Reused with the permission of the United Nations. Downloaded: 2015-11-15 (
[2] City density map, generated by using data provided to us by website. Every circle is city with population over 5000. Link
[3] Population density map generated by instructions from daysleeperrr on reddig. Link1. Used data source is the Gridded Population of the World (GPW), v3 online at the the Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) at Columbia University. Link2. Additional urban land cover: Extracted from Global Land Cover Characteristics Data Base Version 2.0 and Binary MOD12Q1 data on Link3 (PNG,0.5Mb).